To solve the climate crisis
we need funders to change the way they do business.
Top philanthropies are giving a tiny fraction — just 1.3% — of their U.S. climate dollars to the Black, indigenous, and people of color-led environmental justice groups who are doing the most to fight climate change.
We call on the top 40 climate funders in the country to take the Climate Funders Justice Pledge and commit to
1) Transparent reporting of their grants, and;
2) Increasing funding of BIPOC-led power building groups to at least 30% within two years.
Take the pledge
Click the button below to complete the pledge form.
Within two months (and annually after that), upload your grant data using Candid eReporter.
Within two months of signing, upload *2021-2022* data to the longstanding Candid eReporter portal — trusted and used by many foundations — and continue to report annually.
STEP Three:
Within three months, let us know what percentage of your climate funding is going to BIPOC-led groups.
Within three months of signing, provide to the Donors of Color what percentage of your organization’s U.S. environmental/climate funding over the last two years (2021-2022) has gone to organizations run by, serving, and building power in communities of color in the U.S. — those where the majority of the board and senior staff are Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC). This will be highlighted on our “Who’s Pledged” page as pledges are fulfilled so that we can better understand where the top funders are as a collective.
Within two years, direct at least 30% of all U.S. climate giving to groups run by, serving, and building power in communities of color in the U.S.
“Philanthropy needs to meet this historic moment by funding what works in the climate fight: scaling up the powerful work of BIPOC leaders and organizations on the frontlines. If philanthropies fail to do this, they betray the same values and outcomes they claim to uphold. The Donors of Color Network is creating an essential platform for foundations and funders to step up and match their dollars to their stated principles. The Climate Funders Justice Pledge gives donors the tools they need to shift the center of gravity in environmental giving toward racial and economic justice. And this is the only way we will prevail in the struggle to save our communities and the planet. The sooner funders take the Pledge, the sooner we can turn the tide.”
— Crystal Hayling, Executive Director, The Libra Foundation
“We recognize the historic underinvestment in front-line organizations working toward environmental justice. The problem-solving responsibility must include people representative of these communities and must also be set and governed by them. Kresge is proud to be one of the first philanthropies to commit to the Climate Funders Justice Pledge, and we encourage our colleagues to join us.”
— Rip Rapson, President and CEO of The Kresge Foundation